Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Good Map, Bad Map

I chose both of my examples from the Example Maps given to us in the R drive.


 The map title clearly explains what the map is going to convey.  The zones stand out due to the coloration and bolded lines.  The legend is nearly for backup as the large numbers clearly indicate which group is which zone.  The counties within zones are included as this is probably information a map user will need, but they are visually secondary and complement rather than detract from the map.  The map sheet is visually balanced and elements are not crowded or left looking like random elements in space. Additional text gives a useful websites to visit for more information, which is helpful yet concise and does not detract from the main stated purpose of the map.


The map title doesn’t let me know what to expect from the map; “IRAQ” is too vague.  The color choices for the Sunni and Shia categories are very poor and it is difficult to tell the two apart.  Given that I am guessing that the map means to display 3 different religious groups by geographical grouping, there is a lot of extraneous information. The nearby countries do not need to be displayed or labeled.  The rivers really stand out yet they don’t seem to be important to the map message.   The outline around the title looks silly.

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