Monday, February 4, 2013

Introducing Adobe Illustrator!

I bet this looks familiar to everyone!
I didn't try anything fancy on this week's map, but really focused on learning how to navigate Adobe Illustrator. It's a great program and I'm excited to learn how to use this tool - I think it's a resume plus as well.  My initial response was that I'm glad I recently worked some with PhotoShop as that increased my comfort level with the Illustrator interface.  I spent quite a lot of time looking at Tutorials with the PS and I think I would recommend that if the Adobe suite is new to you.
As far as working through the lab, it all went pretty smoothly as it's wont to do with the thoroughness of the lab instructions. The one thing I could not do was select multiple items in the Layers palette and then drag them. Selecting was fine, it was the dragging I messed up. I imagine it's just a matter of practice, but for this lab I just grabbed each Legend bit individually as there were not so many of them as to make it prohibitive.

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